To ensure prompt and correct delivery of goods, Workday now verifies that the Deliver To location for a requisition includes a floor or room number. No action can be taken on a requisition if the Deliver To location fails this validation. The error message includes help text explaining why the action cannot be taken.
For new requisitions, this change is straightforward. Requesters will be unable to save or submit a requisition without an appropriate Deliver To location.
For requisitions in progress (any status except Successfully Completed), this new validation will prevent any action including updates, review, or approval from being processed if the Deliver To does not include a floor or room number. Help text is included in this instance as well although the fix may not be as clear. See the full NewsLink article for instructions on handling requisitions in progress.
In Workday, if a transaction is split between two cost centers, approval will route to all Cost Center Managers (CCM) listed for both cost centers. The CCM who approves the transaction first is essentially approving it for all the cost centers. If those transactions involve multiple colleges and/or administrative units, the unit that initiated the transaction should approve the transaction and use the ad hoc functionality to ad hoc in the CCM of the other unit. Please note, that if the ad hoc approver sends it back, it will route back to the initiator, not the first approver. It will also route to the department leaders and service centers. The expectation is that the unit initiating the transaction should also be the unit that processes the transaction. Because of this process, it’s best practice to have a conversation with the involved cost centers before the requisition is submitted to confirm the agreement/process. Learn more, visit the Requisition - Approving a Requisition - Cost Center Manager job aid found in the Supply Chain section of the Administrative Resource Center (ARC) .
The process to request a new supplier in Workday has changed. When a campus employee requests a new supplier be added to the Ohio State Master Supplier List, they are asked to attach a completed Vendor Setup Form in Workday to their Workday non-catalog request. Attaching this form in Workday will not violate HIPAA, FERPA, or other data privacy requirements. The completed Vendor Setup Form provides Supplier Maintenance with the information they need to determine if it is appropriate to add the new vendor. If the supplier does not have access to a secure email to transmit the Vendor Setup Form, Ohio State provides Secure Email as an option.
Workday will be unavailable due to planned monthly maintenance on Saturday, February 20, from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m. Workday may be available sooner if the maintenance does not take the full 8 hours.
Kronos and external dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again. Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full article.
FY21 Plans have been loaded at the unit level into Workday, based on the Excel templates provided to Financial Planning and Analysis during July 2020 . These plans are viewable in the Sources and Uses - Variance report when it is run at the CCH6 level, or for units reporting to Academic Affairs, CCH7 level.
Reminder about HIPPA and FERPA data
Do not attach HIPPA and FERPA specific data in Workday processes. To learn more about attachment requirements review the "Journal Entries" section within the Workday for Core Users: Finance FAQs, available in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC).
For a definitive resource for all things related to the Workday Foundation Data Model (FDM), checkout the FDM Handbook (spreadsheet download). It’s located on the B&F website , under “Type: Forms.” Administrative Resource Center (ARC) additions: For information regarding a one-time payment that was completed with incorrect costing worktags, read this FAQ item . For information regarding petty cash account reconciliation and replenishment, review this job aid . If you experience issues with round-trip (punch-out) functionality or cannot find a supplier catalog or item, please do not contact the supplier directly. Your help contact is based on your funding unit. For UNIV funding units, contact the Marketplace Team For Health System/OSUWMC funding units, contact 614-293-4357 (HELP)
When approving a Workday transaction (Requisitions, Spend Authorizations, Expense Reports, etc.) make sure you are staying within your Inbox transaction view when adding attachments/updating information. Once you are completed, you will click the Approve button and workflow will proceed to next step. If you go to Edit or Change the transaction and add an Attachment/make edits from there, you will be presented with a Submit button. When clicking Submit, workflow will restart.
The Spend Category Crosswalk (previously known as the Category Buyer Listing and the Strategic Teams documents) can now be found on the University Purchasing website , under "Our Team." The Spend Category Crosswalk describes categories in detail, as well as how they translate into Workday spend categories, from previous Peoplesoft categories. The Category Buyer Listing and Strategic Teams Document are no longer applicable and have been removed. Direct any questions to Ask Purchasing , or the contacts on the document.
Employees are encouraged to log in to Workday and update their specific work space within a building to ensure accurate deliveries. Please change your work space by following the How to Change Your Work Space job aid. Additionally, your building location in Workday must be correct to effectively change your work space. If your building location is incorrect, only your manager can update that information by following the Change Job Details job aid.
To help users better understand Procurement, Asset Management, Travel, and PCard functionality in Workday, standing office hours are being offered for each area. Office hours will begin with a brief demonstration and then be open for questions. In some instances, breakout rooms will be created to better answer targeted questions. To join a session, see the full article for Microsoft Teams and Zoom links.