New Report Phishing Button in Outlook on April 24

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ohio State contracted with a new vendor that provides a Report Phishing button in Outlook, Outlook Mobile and Outlook Web Access (OWA). We will make this change on Friday, April 24. You do not need to take any action to add the new Report Phishing button to Outlook.
At the same time IT administrators will also start remotely removing the old Report Phishing button if we have installed it on your devices. As we continue to work remotely it may be difficult to remove the old button in a timely manner. In the interim, we have arranged to keep the old button functional until we can correct this situation. The new Report Phishing button is powered by Proofpoint, a product that we have had great success so far. Since implementing Proofpoint email filtering last summer, we’ve been able to reduce the amount of compromised accounts by 75%,
If your devices are not able to receive the new Report Phishing button, you can still report phish by forwarding the suspicious message to More advanced users who wish to uninstall the old Report Phish button after April 24 can visit our Knowledge Base for detailed instructions.
Again, as a user, you do not need to take any action. If you have any technical difficulties, contact the IT Service Desk for additional help. The IT Service Desk offers 24-hour support, seven days a week, via email and phone.
Phone: 614-688-4357
Self-Service and Chat support:
Text Telephone for the Deaf: 614-688-8743