Project Update
As Wi-Fi is being completed throughout the state, more groups are beginning to move to OCIO services. Groups that have been moved to services continue to express satisfaction regarding their onboarding experience. Visit the CFAES IT Transformation webpage for regular project updates.
Columbus Campus
- Moved to OCIO services in October: Members of the Dean's Office including Dean Kress
- Food Science & Technology: Began deploying more than 800 new grad student computers
- Wi-Fi completed in 18 buildings
- Detailed planning ongoing: Marketing and Communications, Academic Affairs, OBIC, AEDE
Wooster Campus
- Wi-Fi completed in 11 buildings
- Process to implement Wi-Fi started in 15 additional buildings
- Asbestos sampling for wireless installations continues
- Will begin moving ATI to OCIO services this semester
State-wide Campus
- Wi-Fi completed in 15 locations
- Network connections completed in 35 counties
- Counties ready to move to OCIO services (i.e. networking completed): Clermont, Hamilton, Hardin, Hocking, Lawrence, Perry
Onboarding Survey Results
Members of units that moved to OCIO services were given the opportunity to provide feedback about their experience.
Thinking about the overall process of receiving new IT services, how would you rate your experience?
What did you think about the communications you received throughout the onboarding process?
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with your onboarding experience?
CFAES IT Team Progress
The new CFAES IT team is working on a variety of projects including research and application support.
Research Support
- Animal Sciences: Replaced a mission critical computer that handles Krauss dairy’s cow and dairy management; Set up an Ohaus ‘Defender’ scale unit to a new computer
- Entomology: Setting up a Linux virtual machine for data processing
- Food Animal Health Research Program: Replaced a failing computer hooked up to a real-time PCR machine (i.e. a thermal cycler or DNA amplifier) with a brand new computer
- Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering: Consulted and increased resources for a virtual machine doing group data analytics; Consulted and obtained hardware for state-wide geo-spatial data and machine learning; Setting up a Linux virtual machine for DNA analysis
- Horticulture and Crop Science: Set up a third data logger for remote greenhouse monitoring
- Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center: Fixed an issue a user had remoting into the bioinformatics server
- Plant Pathology: Connected six new growth chambers to the Conviron network and management console
Application Services
- Guests lecturers in ATI Weed Science course teaching Swift code techniques related to pesticide application
- Lunch and Learn about online materials available in Apple Teaching Learning Center
- Completed third-party risk assessment for and implemented recommendations in partnership with the OCIO Enterprise Security team
- Identified security vulnerabilities with a college website hosted by a third party and invoked a remediation plan
- Assisted researchers in FABE and FST to remotely access their research systems in partnership with OCIO Infrastructure team
This Month's Common Questions
Q: When a department moves to OCIO services, what changes for them?
A: Within each department, some users receive a new device while others do not. Either way, all users who “move to OCIO services” receive core IT-related services from the OCIO and migrate to a central Active Directory. What does this mean? Users will have a consistent IT experience throughout the college including:
- Users will login with their lastname.# and password. If your computer is inactive for 15 minutes, it will be locked. You can unlock it by logging back in with your lastname.# and password.
- All users will have a consistent file share experience. Existing drives will be mapped to new locations. Every user will receive two new drives: one shared drive to collaborate with other OCIO supported areas and another to store files only available to you.
- You will be able to remote access the network, including your new file share drives, via the Cisco AnyConnect VPN. This means that you can work from a remote location and continue to access the items you can get to when in a network location.
- All users will be on Windows 10 once they are moved to OCIO services.
Q: How will I know how to use all of this ‘new’ stuff?
A: When it’s your department’s turn to migrate, the OCIO project team will communicate details regarding these changes. This will include links to training resources for updated operating systems, details on how to use each of the new items, and information on how to get help when you need it. Additionally, there will always be support staff on site when your group moves to OCIO services to help with immediate needs.