IT Transformation Project


Project Update

The project continued to move forward in March. Visit the CFAES IT Transformation webpage for additional data and project updates.


Columbus Campus

  • OSUnet and Wi-Fi implementation complete in 26 buildings (93% of in scope buildings complete)
  • Moved to OCIO services in February: FABE
  • Moving to OCIO services next: SENR, FST, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Animal Science
  • 17 of 25 departments move to OCIO services
  • Virtual Servers
    • Retired: 65 of 89 
    • Migrated: 1 of 6
    • Replaced: 1 of 11
  • Firewalls
    • Retired: 6 of 18

Wooster Campus

  • OSUnet and Wi-Fi implementation complete in 64 buildings (96% of in scope buildings complete)
  • Moved to OCIO services in February: SENR, STAR Labs
  • Moving to OCIO services next: Animal Sciences, ATI Hawk’s Nest, Entomology, Arden Shisler Conference Center
  • 27 of 35 departments move to OCIO services
  • Virtual Servers
    • Retired: 33 of 47
    • Migrated: 5 of 6
    • Replaced: 2 of 3
  • Firewalls
    • Retired: 12 of 26

State-wide Campus

  • OSUnet and Wi-Fi implementation complete in 78 buildings (68% of in scope buildings complete)
  • Moved to OCIO services in February: 4H Camp Palmer, Auglaize, Williams, Carroll, Highland, Marion, North Central Ag Research, Ashland, Scioto, Warren
  • Moving to OCIO services next: Stark, Crawford, Columbus Turf Grass, Huron, Butler, Logan, Licking, Southeast Region
  • Next counties to kick off: Northwest Ag Research Station
  • 79 of 103 statewide units move to OCIO services

Onboarding Survey Results

Members of units that moved to OCIO services were given the opportunity to provide feedback about their experience.

Thinking about the overall process of receiving new IT services, how would you rate your experience?

August 2018- February 2020. N=162

What did you think about the communications you received throughout the onboarding process?

August 2018- February 2020. N=161

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with your onboarding experience?

August 2018- February 2020. N= 158

CFAES IT Team Progress

The CFAES IT team is working on a variety of projects including research, web and application support. Below are some highlights from February.

CFAES IT Team Progress

  • Academic Programs – Worked with Academics on a Room Management System prototype for managing room calendars and requests.
  • ACEL – Met with and reorganized elements on the Leadership Center site for consistency.
  • Advancement/Communications – Put in place a topic-based tracking system for news and stories. Time and Change Campaign page within stories. Students Week Email.
  • ATI – Accessibility Evaluation for CRIO equine management software. In partnership with ODEE, assisting instructional designers to use Mediasite more effectively for lecture video capture.
  • Dean’s Office - Launched Dean’s Charity Steer Show Website
  • ENT - Finished inventory of research computers in Columbus.
  • Extension – Publishes February 2020 Journal of Extension, along with updates to the website around eliminating PDF offerings. Internal planning on CMS-based site for Journal of Extension. Shelby County Site Repair. Assisted 4-H with a site restore after a mass content deletion. Migration of legacy Ohioline Website to OSU Hosting. Testing QuickBooks server to help county staff manage accounting issues not handled by university systems. Evaluating Signup Genius for use in 4-H.
  • FABE – Set up BioMerg development website
  • FAHRP – Investigated if two research instrumentation computers could be upgraded to Windows 10.
  • FST – Migrated a computer supporting a gas chromatograph to the new system.
  • In partnership with OCIO, the Research Support team has established a system to categorize the management and configuration of research computers.
  • HCS – Assisting with the acquisition & configuration of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Gravograph LS100 systems. Addressed PGM Person Module issue on web site. Configured FileMaker database server to use OSU single-sign-on. Evaluating RedBud greenhouse management software for digital accessibility and information risk.
  • SENR – Fixed an issue where a Windows 10 computer couldn’t see a connected PDA.
  • South Centers – Researching a replacement power supply and power conditioner for Mass Spectrometer.
  • PAAR – Performed security scans and adjusting the environment to increase security. Designing a new network and server setup and pulling new wiring for some facility-specific devices.
  • Waterman – Set up a development site
  • Weather Systems – Acquiring updated communication equipment to maintain connectivity to remote stations in advance of cellular rollout.
  • Wooster Campus Facilities Services – Migrated to online vehicle reservation system.
  • Completed and submitted CFAES Digital Accessibility Scorecard. Conducted Audit of Dormant websites Archiving 8 websites. Finalized Migration process to OSU Hosting and Migrated 93 Drupal Websites. 24 People Trained as content editors on websites. Created module to manage dormant editor accounts. Quotes and Testimonials Module Update. Added Permissions protections to system-wide pages on county sites.


State-wide Progress

County Status Table

County NameStatus
AdamsFully moved to OCIO services
AllenScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
AshlandCounty Owned: In Talks
AshtabulaFully moved to OCIO services
AthensFully moved to OCIO services
Auglaizenetworking wifi complete read for OCIO services
BelmontFully moved to OCIO services
BrownFully moved to OCIO services
ButlerScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
CarrollScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
ChampaignScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
ClarkFully moved to OCIO services
ClermontFully moved to OCIO services
ClintonScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
ColumbianaFully moved to OCIO Services
CoshoctonFully moved to OCIO services
CrawfordCounty Owned: In Talks
CuyahogaFully moved to OCIO Services
DarkeFully moved to OCIO services
DefianceScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
DelawareCounty Owned
ErieScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
FairfieldFully moved to OCIO services
FayetteFully moved to OCIO services
FranklinFully moved to OCIO services
FultonScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
GalliaWaiting for Skype
GeaugaFully moved to OCIO services
GreeneWaiting for Skype
GuernseyScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
HamiltonWaiting for Skype
HancockFully moved to OCIO Services
HardinFully moved to OCIO services
HarrisonScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
HenryWaiting for Skype
HighlandScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
HockingFully moved to OCIO Services
HolmesFully moved to OCIO services
Huronnetworking wifi complete read for OCIO services
JacksonFully moved to OCIO services
JeffersonFully moved to OCIO services
KnoxCounty Owned
LakeScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
LawrenceFully moved to OCIO services
LickingScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
LoganScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
LorainFully moved to OCIO services
Lucasfully moved to OCIO services
MadisonFully moved to OCIO services
MahoningWaiting for Skype
MarionScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
MedinaWaiting for Skype
MeigsFully moved to OCIO services
MercerWaiting for Skype
MiamiCounty Owned: In Talks
Monroenetworking wifi complete read for OCIO services
MontgomeryCounty Owned
MorganFully moved to OCIO services
MorrowFully moved to OCIO services
MuskingumFully moved to OCIO services
NobleFully moved to OCIO services
OttawaWaiting for Skype
PauldingWaiting for Skype
PerryFully moved to OCIO services
PickawayFully moved to OCIO services
PikeFully moved to OCIO services
PortageFully moved to OCIO services
PrebleWaiting for Skype
PutnamFully moved to OCIO services
RichlandWaiting for Skype
RossFully moved to OCIO services
SanduskyFully moved to OCIO Services
SciotoCounty Owned: In Talks
SenecaWaiting for Skype
ShelbyWaiting for Skype
StarkScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
SummitFully moved to OCIO Services
TrumbullFully moved to OCIO Services
TuscarawasWaiting for Skype
UnionCounty Owned: In Talks
Van WertWaiting for Skype
VintonWaiting for Skype
WarrenScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
WashingtonScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
WayneFully moved to OCIO Services
WilliamsScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
WoodFully moved to OCIO services
WyandotWaiting for Skype


Unit Progress

Agricultural Research Stations

Ashtabula ARSComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
Eastern ARSComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
Jackson ARSComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
Muck Crops ARSComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
North Central ARSComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
Northwest ARSScheduled meeting in March
Western ARS

Computers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype

Academic Units

AEDENetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
ACELFully moved to OCIO services
Animal SciencesNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
ATIComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
EntomologyNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Extension LeadershipNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
FABEComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
FAHRPComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
FSTNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
HCSNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Plant PathologyNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
SENRNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services


Business Units

4-HFully moved to OCIO services
Academic AffairsComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
AdvancementFully moved to OCIO services
Agricultural Operations Networking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Capital PlanningComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
Dean's SuiteFully moved to OCIO services
Director of WoosterComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
FinanceComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
FSRFully moved to OCIO services
Government AffairsComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
HRComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
International ProgramsComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
ITComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
MarCommFully moved to OCIO services
Research & GraduatesFully moved to OCIO services
SafetyFully moved to OCIO services
SecrestFully moved to OCIO services
Wooster Conference CenterNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Wooster OperationsNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services