IT Partnership Council

The Information Technology Partnership Council (ITPC) consists of senior leaders from distributed IT departments across the university who meet to discuss technology developments within and outside of the university and to partner in solving common problems.

Member NameEmailDepartment
Awais Aliali.61@osu.eduCollege of Nursing
Siji Atekojasiji.atekoja@osumc.eduWexner Medical Center
Eric Bodebode.42@osu.eduCollege Social Work
Ginger Breonbreon.5@osu.eduOffice of Technology and Digital Innovation
Michael Chakerianchakerian.1@osu.eduCollege of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Tammy Cimorellcimorell.1@osu.eduCollege of Engineering
Matt DeVoredevore.38@osu.eduFisher College of Business
Jim Giulianigiuliani.6@osu.eduOffice of Secure Research
Anne Grovesgroves.54@osu.eduOffice of Secure Research
Robert Griffithsgriffiths.44@osu.eduOhio State Online
Scott Harrisharris.626@osu.eduComprehensive Cancer Center
Jason Haskinshaskins.8@osu.eduOffice of Technology and Digital Innovation
Casey Hoerighoerig.4@osu.eduCollege of Pharmacy 
Michael Kaylorkaylor.1@osu.eduCollege of Arts and Sciences
Katharine Office of Technology and Digital Innovation
Cindy Leavitt leavitt.75@osu.eduOffice of Technology and Digital Innovation
John Linklink.142@osu.eduOffice of Student Life
Jason Lybargerlybarger.39@osu.eduOffice of Research
Will Mills mills.240@osu.eduOffice of Technology and Digital Innovation
Bob Muhnmuhn.1@osu.eduOffice of Technology and Digital Innovation
Rich Office of Technology and Digital Innovation
Jim Nullnull.12@osu.eduDepartment of Athletics
Darren  Parsonsparsons.389@osu.eduCollege of Education and Human Ecology
Jenna Priceprice.1323@osu.eduOffice of Technology and Digital Innovation
John Rayray.30@osu.eduOffice of Research
Terry Reesereese.2179@osu.eduUniversity Libraries
Lynne Sanbesanbe.1@osu.eduOffice of Technology and Digital Innovation
Sara Sampsonsampson.8@osu.eduMoritz College of Law
David Savagesavage.63@osu.eduCollege of Dentistry
Eric Schnellschnell.9@osu.eduCollege of Medicine
Don Shymanskishymanski.2@osu.eduVeterinary Medical College 
Brandon Smithsmith.671@osu.eduCollege of Education and Human Ecology
Beth Snappsnapp.6@osu.eduUniversity Libraries
Michael Townsendmichael.townsend@osumc.eduComprehensive Cancer Center
Julie Vargovargo.64@osu.eduUniversity Advancement
Alexander Vuvu.31@osu.eduCollege of Optometry
Geoff  Wigginswiggins.26@osu.eduUniversity Advancement
Brian Wilsonwilson.643@osu.eduFisher College of Business
Lindsay Wyattwyatt.248@osu.eduHuman Resoures
Erik  Yarberryyarberry.4@osu.eduCollege of Nursing