Move WiFi@OSU Connected Devices to Registered4OSU by August 5
In 2020, the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) introduced a new Wi-Fi network tailored to the Ohio State community and their “internet of things” devices: Registered4OSU. This secure network is designed for devices without browsers, or devices that do not support the necessary configuration for osuwireless—devices like a Nintendo Switch, Apple TV or printer.
On August 5, 2022 the previous network, WiFi@OSU, will no longer support these devices. If you currently have a device connected to this network you will need to move and register your device for Registered4OSU. All individuals with affected devices will receive a direct email.
Connecting a device to Registered4OSU is simple. Visit the My Devices page and follow the prompts to register a new device. Once registered, you will receive an email with a unique password, specific to your device. Use this password to connect to the Registered4OSU network and enjoy secure Wi-Fi on your device at Ohio State. For more information on the Registered4OSU network review the knowledge base article.
- Go to
- Enter your Ohio State Internet Username and Password, and approve the DUO push sent to your device
- NOTE: The DUO push will be automatically sent to your primary device
- Select Register a new device from the list of "Helpful Links"
- Enter in MAC address of the device you want to register, a description of the device, select the applicable device type, and agree to the acceptable use policy, then select Register
- Check your email to receive your Wi-Fi password required to connect to the Registered4OSU network (Wi-Fi passwords for IT administrator registrations will be sent to the email address entered during registration)
- Connect the device to Registered4OSU and enter the Wi-Fi password provided in the device registration email
You can have up to five personal devices registered to you at a time. Remember, there is no need to register your laptops, tablets or smartphones since they can connect directly to osuwireless.
In addition to added security, your device registration will last a full year. When registering your devices, you will also have the ability to share the device, for example, an Apple TV, with your roommate or a colleague in your department.
Visit to learn more about the Wi-Fi networks available for use at Ohio State, and visit the Knowledge Base to find out which network to use for your various devices.
For additional help, contact the IT Service Desk 24/7 via:
- Phone: 614-688-4357 (select option 3 for MITS partners)
- Email:
- Self Service: