Workshop Catalog

Would you like to become more effective at leveraging learning technology in your in-person or online courses? Explore our archive of former workshops on a range of topics related to technology-enhanced teaching.

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Academic Integrity in Online Courses

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Define academic integrity in the online environment 
  • Discuss current challenges faced by students and instructors for designing and completing graded work 
  • Reflect on parts of your course that could be modified to decrease the likelihood of cheating 
  • Make informed choices about solutions for increasing academic integrity in your course 
  • Identify additional resources on academic integrity 

This session will focus on many aspects of academic integrity, including what it looks like in the online environment, why students choose to cheat, and what you can do about it in your own online courses. We’ll share ideas for how to prevent cheating and discuss the technology available to you as an instructor. You will have opportunities to reflect on past teaching experiences and to make initial decisions about modifications to future assignments and exams.



Active Learning with Technology

By the end of this session you will be able to: 

  • Define active learning and its value in the learning process

  • Choose a university-supported technology tool to enhance an active learning strategy in a course

  • Make initial planning decisions about implementation of the tool

  • Identify resources for technology services, training and support

In this workshop, we’ll start by building a basic understanding of active learning and reviewing some useful active learning strategies for your in-person course. Then we'll explore how technology can enhance active learning and help you provide a more engaging and student-centered experience. In small groups you will have the opportunity to investigate university-approved tools and apps and discuss how their uses and features can support active learning in your classroom.

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Carmen Essentials for Student Success (retitled)

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Review Ohio State's expectations for Carmen courses 
  • Use the Carmen template to create organized and clear pathways for students to understand and access course material and grades 
  • Use Carmen to communicate with and support students in the online environment 
  • Explain how students experience Carmen on iPads and other devices 
  • Locate further resources and assistance

Whether you are teaching online or in-person, setting up your course effectively in CarmenCanvas will be crucial for you and your students. Join us to explore best practices for sharing your syllabus, using the Gradebook, posting resources and communicating with students online. We will review Ohio State's expectations for all Carmen courses, share examples of effective courses, and answer questions about creating a learning environment where students feel connected and informed. Additionally, discuss the student experience in this digital learning environment, with a particular emphasis on using Carmen on iPads.

(This course was formerly titled Setting Up Your Course in Carmen. If you have already taken Setting Up Your Course in Carmen, you do not need to take this workshop.)



Creating Rubrics in Carmen

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Describe the efficiencies afforded by using rubrics
  • List best practices for designing effective rubrics for assignments
  • Explain the types of rubrics 
  • Create a meaningful analytic rubric
  • Add a rubric to an assignment in CarmenCanvas

Using the CarmenCanvas rubric tool to grade and give feedback provides transparency to students so they can easily interpret their grades on assignments. In this session, we’ll share best practices for developing a meaningful rubric, because the Carmen rubric tool is only as useful as the rubric you create. We’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of different kinds of rubrics, share examples of each type, and explore how to improve existing rubrics together. You will have an opportunity to work on one of your own rubrics and learn how to add it to a Carmen course.

This session is appropriate whether you are teaching online or in person.

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Designing Assignments for Your Online Course 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the possibilities of online assignments  
  • Make decisions about assignments based on learning outcomes 
  • Describe best practices for effective assignment design 
  • Choose technologies for delivering assignments

Whether you're new to online assignment design or wish to improve an existing assignment, this workshop will offer strategies for creating effective assignments that best meet the needs of your students.  We will share resources and suggestions for how to design assignments for the online environment, with an emphasis on authenticity, inclusivity, and alignment to your course outcomes. Multiple examples will be shared throughout the session, and you will have opportunities to actively apply best practices to your own course.

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Effective Grading in Carmen

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to use CarmenCanvas to grade various types of assignments and exams 
  • Identify the efficiencies of Speedgrader and Quiz settings for providing feedback on student work 
  • List best practices for creating effective rubrics for assignments 
  • Use the Carmen Rubric tool 
  • Manage the Gradebook effectively 
  • Identify additional resources on grading 

Whether you are teaching in-person or online, using Carmen to grade and give feedback helps you be more efficient, organized and transparent, while allowing students to easily find and interpret their grades on assignments and exams. 

In this session, we will share best practices for developing a meaningful rubric, because the Carmen rubric tool is only as useful as the rubric you create. You will have an opportunity to work on one of your own rubrics and learn how to add it to a Carmen course. We will also demonstrate the Speedgrader tool, show you how to set up Quiz questions to provide efficient feedback, and highlight the functions in Gradebook. Be ready to share any other general questions you may have about grading in Carmen.



Engaging Students in Online Collaboration

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Summarize research on the use of student collaboration for learning
  • Identify challenges and opportunities for using online collaboration
  • Create a shared artifact using collaboration tools
  • Identify areas of your own class where student collaboration could be added
  • Begin designing a collaborative activity for your own course
  • Know what resources are available for additional assistance with online collaboration 

Whether you're teaching face-to-face or online, student-to-student interaction is essential for a successful course. But we don’t always have time to let students collaborate during class, and it’s easy to get stuck in a discussion board rut. This session will spark your creativity for other ways to engage students in collaborative learning in online spaces. By understanding the elements of collaboration that drive learning, you’ll identify opportunities in your own course, create an activity, and begin using the CarmenCanvas tools that support student collaboration.

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Exploring CarmenZoom: Engage Your Students

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Identify the various functions and tools in CarmenZoom that contribute to positive teaching and learning experiences 

  • Effectively use the functions and tools that best align with your course context and goals 
  • Get answers to pressing questions about how to use Zoom in your course 
  • Incorporate strategies and examples shared by others in the session

How can you leverage CarmenZoom, Ohio State's web conferencing platform, for your online course? Join us for one or more interactive sessions to practice using key functions in Zoom, experience that functionality as both a student and an instructor, and learn from facilitators and fellow participants about how to effectively integrate them into an online course. Facilitators will answer questions and demonstrate the use of various tools in Zoom. 

This session, Engage Your Students, will focus on how to gauge student reactions and check for understanding while teaching in a synchronous Zoom class session. We will demonstrate how to use polling, yes/no and other reactions, and the hand-raising features in Zoom. We will also share examples and best practices for using the chat function.



Exploring CarmenZoom: Student-Student Interaction

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Identify the various functions and tools in CarmenZoom that contribute to positive teaching and learning experiences 
  • Effectively use the functions and tools that best align with your course context and goals 
  • Get answers to pressing questions about how to use Zoom in your course 
  • Incorporate strategies and examples shared by others in the session

How can you leverage CarmenZoom, Ohio State's web conferencing platform, for your online course? Join us for one or more interactive sessions to practice using key functions in Zoom, experience that functionality as both a student and an instructor, and learn from facilitators and fellow participants about how to effectively integrate them into an online course. Facilitators will answer questions and demonstrate the use of various tools in Zoom. 

This session, Student-Student Interaction, will focus on using Zoom to create opportunities for interactions between students. We will demonstrate how to create breakout rooms and assign students to them from the instructor role, but you will also experience what a breakout room is like for students. We will also show you how to share your screen and allow students to share their screens and presentations with each other.



Fostering Inclusive Teaching Online

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Identify strategies for creating inclusive environments in CarmenCanvas 
  • Discuss challenges and affordances of the online environment in creating community and supporting all students 
  • Engage with other participants and share strategies 
  • Identify additional resources for creating inclusive environments

What is inclusive teaching, and why does it matter for the online spaces where our students engage with us and with each other? In this session, we’ll address challenges to creating inclusive environments and explore the affordances CarmenCanvas provides us to do so. We will discuss ways to improve online discussions, set expectations for respectful dialogue, create opportunities for metacognition and reflection, provide accessible and representative material, and create a supportive instructor presence online. You will have opportunities to consider the strategies that fit best within your own course context and share ideas with other participants. 

This workshop is intended for any Ohio State educator. Carmen is an important tool even when teaching in-person—you do not need to be teaching fully online to adapt these strategies.



Increasing Student Engagement with Top Hat

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Describe the basic features of Top Hat   
  • Practice using the tool and its features   
  • Consider why you might incorporate the tool in your course   
  • Reflect on how Top Hat can increase student engagement and help assess learning   
  • Locate resources and support for using Top Hat  

Top Hat is a web-based student response system that enables you to poll your class, present discussion prompts, and display lecture material for a more interactive experience. In this session, you'll learn how Top Hat can help you engage your students and create opportunities for active learning. We will explain and demonstrate the basic features of the tool, such as creating questions, launching polls, syncing rosters, and integrating with Carmen. We'll also cover planning lessons with Top Hat templates.

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Info Session: Adobe Creative Cloud 

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Identify Adobe Creative Cloud apps available to students, instructors and staff
  • Explain to students how to opt in, renew and start using Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Envision how instructors can incorporate Adobe Creative Cloud in their courses and assignments
  • Identify resources and learning opportunities available to support both students and instructors

Join us for an information session to learn about Adobe Creative Cloud. We'll share details on how students can gain access to the suite of tools, highlight a few of the more popular Adobe apps and how students are supported to use them, and answer your questions. We’ll also discuss how you can design class assignments that provide opportunities for students to use Adobe tools. Finally, we will share resources for how instructors can learn more about Adobe Creative Cloud and its use in courses and extracurricular activities.

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Info Session: New Quizzes in Carmen 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Identify new features and limitations of New Quizzes  
  • Define key terms related to the transition from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes  
  • List dates and details of Ohio State’s transition process  
  • Explain how to explore New Quizzes on your own  
  • Identify how to find resources and support during the transition to New Quizzes  

New Quizzes is a new quiz tool developed by Instructure that will eventually replace the current tool, Classic Quizzes, and become your default for building quizzes in CarmenCanvas. Classic Quizzes will be gradually phased out over the next year or two. Starting autumn term 2022, you can activate and test drive New Quizzes in your Carmen courses. 

Join us for an info session to learn what’s different about New Quizzes, its key advantages, and the timeline for the rollout and transition at Ohio State. We’ll cover exciting new features that will enable you to use a larger variety of question types, duplicate questions, set accommodations, anonymize grading, and have more control of your item banks. We will also discuss limitations of the tool and share strategies for exploring New Quizzes on your own.

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Instructional Approaches to Hybrid Courses

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Define the various ways to structure a hybrid course at Ohio State   
  • Identify opportunities and challenges of teaching a hybrid course   
  • Make decisions about how to implement teaching strategies that best align with course context   
  • Consider ways to incorporate student engagement and content delivery in the online and in-person components of a hybrid course   
  • Know what resources are available for additional assistance

Hybrid courses offer unique opportunities for both instructors and students. Join us to explore design principles for hybrid courses that help students meet learning outcomes in effective and engaging ways. We will discuss the benefits and limitations of various instructional strategies and explore tools for supporting rich synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences in face-to-face and online components of a course. Additionally, we will address special considerations for teaching a hybrid course given the challenges of the pandemic. You will have opportunities to work with fellow participants to share ideas on teaching hybrid courses and strategize potential approaches.



Leveraging ePortfolios in Your Course with PebblePad

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Define what an ePortfolio is and how it helps student learning
  • Reflect on the benefits of including an e-portfolio in your own course
  • Describe how other programs across the university are using ePortfolios
  • Identify the technology tools used to create e-portfolios
  • Locate resources and support for using PebblePad

In this session facilitated by OTDI and the Office of Student Academic Excellence we’ll share research on the effectiveness of ePortfolios, discuss how ePortfolios are currently being used across the university, and share examples of digital portfolios created using a variety of Ohio State-approved technology tools. We will also demonstrate an ePortfolio tool new to Ohio State called PebblePad.

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Making Your Course Accessible for All Learners

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain the need for accessibility, especially in online courses 
  • Identify common access barriers in course assessments, activities, and materials 
  • Describe the importance of proactively fixing accessibility issues 
  • Apply principles of UDL to the design or redesign of course components 
  • Be able to identify accessibility flags and remediation resources

What is accessibility, and why does it matter, particularly for online courses? Join us for an interactive workshop to get started making your course accessible to all learners. You'll consider how to reinvent your course materials, activities, and assignments to improve the learning experience for your students. We’ll guide you to proactively apply principles of Universal Design for Learning and accessibility and share university resources to support you in this endeavor. 
This workshop is an introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility. UDL refers to principles and best practices for ensuring that all activities, assignments, outcomes, and instruction are designed so that students have multiple ways to interact with content and be assessed on their learning. Accessibility, in the context we use it, is the practice of designing content and using technology so that students with vision, auditory, motor and cognitive disabilities can successfully navigate, use and benefit from them.



Managing Course Files: Maximizing Instructor Workflow

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain best practices for file management for your course, including organization of files, naming conventions, sharing, and permissions 
  • Differentiate types of files best suited for various file storage areas, such as OneDrive and CarmenCanvas 
  • Explain how storage tools create efficiency for you and your students 
  • Maximize the potential of various applications to make file management seamless 
  • Know where to get additional information and support

Planning a course doesn’t just include creating CarmenCanvas modules, writing a syllabus, and designing assignments. You also need to organize your digital course materials and decide where to put them for easy access. Should you upload files into Carmen or share them from OneDrive? Should video recordings be saved in Carmen or linked from CarmenZoom or Mediasite? This session will help you answer these questions, navigate best practices for file management, and understand sharing in OneDrive and collaboration options in Carmen. You will also learn effective strategies for file naming conventions and using the Carmen File Manager.




Mediasite for Instructors: Managing Video for Your Online Course 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Explain the benefits and opportunities afforded by Mediasite 
  • Create and share course content with Mediasite  
  • Use the tools within Mediasite to gain insights into student engagement and comprehension 
  • Feel confident using Mediasite for instructional purposes 
  • Identify resources and support available for using Mediasite  

Are you intimidated by Mediasite but interested in learning simple ways the lecture capture and storage tool can support teaching and learning? In this workshop, we’ll explain how to create, trim, and share your lectures and other video content using Mediasite. We’ll also demonstrate how to import and edit the videos you create with other tools, such as CarmenZoom, solving long-term storage issues, and share them through Channels. Finally, we’ll discuss ways to promote student engagement with recorded lectures by inserting comprehension checks and using the analytics tool. You will have the opportunity to share effective ways to use Mediasite through scenario-based discussion with peers and facilitators.   

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Planning for Your Online Course

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Review the university's expectations for online courses
  • Make decisions about best practices for course format and online teaching strategies
  • Create ways to interact with and support students in an online environment
  • Locate further resources and assistance for teaching in an online context

Are you teaching online next semester and looking for guidance on how to develop an effective course? Join us for this 90-minute online workshop on how to create a supportive learning environment and incorporate strategies for meaningful student engagement. You will leave with a better understanding of how to make your online course consistent with Ohio State's course-assurance requirements and expectations. During the session, you’ll have opportunities to reflect on key questions about course format and teaching strategies.



Promoting Interaction and Engagement in CarmenZoom 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the various functions in CarmenZoom that contribute to positive teaching and learning experiences
  • Explain how various functions in CarmenZoom promote interaction with the instructor, students, and content 
  • Incorporate strategies and examples shared by others in the session

This session will focus on gauging student reactions, checking for understanding, and creating opportunities for peer interaction in CarmenZoom. Come prepared to engage with various tools including polling, breakout rooms, chat, reactions, annotation, and whiteboard. Hear from presenters about how to effectively integrate these features into your synchronous online or mixed delivery course, and share tips and best practices from your own experience with other participants. 

Note: This session presents similar content at Exploring CarmenZoom: Engage Your Students and Exploring CarmenZoom: Student-Student Interaction, but with a new spin.

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Recording Lecture Videos: Best Practices and Tools

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

· Recognize challenges for students taking in-person/hybrid courses
· List considerations for teaching and learning in physical spaces 
· Identify technology tools that facilitate in-person/hybrid learning experiences
· Locate resources and assistance to support classroom instruction

This 90-minute online session will explore the various tools and processes for capturing effective lecture videos for your course. We’ll highlight university-supported tool options, including CarmenZoom, Mediasite and PowerPoint, and discuss why you might select one over another. We’ll also go over the steps in producing a video from start to finish, including setup, recording, trimming and sharing. Additionally, we'll share best practices for personalizing video lectures, communicating clearly and integrating opportunities for knowledge checks.

This session is appropriate for any instructor seeking solutions, from simple to advanced, for recording video for their course.

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Using Technology to Support High Impact Practices

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain the benefits High Impact Practices have on learning, student engagement, and equity
  • Understand the effectiveness of HIP teaching strategies such as service learning, research, ePortfolios, collaborative projects and more. 
  • Identify university-approved tools and resources that can be incorporated into your high impact practices strategies. 
  • Engage with other participants and share strategies

​​​​​High Impact Practices (HIPs) have a positive impact on learning, student engagement, and equity. In this session facilitated by OTDI and the Office of Student Academic Success - Academic Enrichment, we will share research on the effectiveness of HIP teaching strategies such as service learning, research, ePortfolios, collaborative projects, and more. We’ll also explore how Ohio State-approved technology tools can be incorporated into your course to support the delivery of HIP strategies. You will have opportunities to reflect with fellow participants and plan ways to integrate these practices into your own teaching.

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Virtual Studio: Using PebblePad for Student ePortfolios

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain how PebblePad is being used at Ohio State in GE courses
  • Describe the basic features of PebblePad
  • Practice using PebblePad features
  • Reflect on how you might incorporate PebblePad into your course
  • Identify further resources and support for using PebblePad

This one-hour studio session will provide opportunities to explore the functionality of PebblePad as a tool for students to create ePortfolios, specifically for General Education (GE) courses. You will learn how the tool is being used at Ohio State and reflect on how you can incorporate it in your own course. We will demonstrate the main features of PebblePad, show you specific steps for creating an ePortfolio in the tool, and provide time for you to practice those steps and problem solve.

Note: We highly recommended that you first attend the Leveraging ePortfolios in Your Course with PebblePad workshop to learn about the use of ePortfolios as a teaching strategy and how PebblePad is currently being used by Ohio State students. A recording of a previous version of the workshop is also available to view on demand.

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Applying Adult Learning Principles in Online Teaching

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Describe the principles of adult learning theory
  • Discuss common motivations and experiences that drive adult learners
  • Apply adult learning principles to an online course
  • Strategize how course content, activities, and assignments can be adapted to meet the needs of adult learners
  • Locate further resources and assistance for applying adult learning principles

In this 90-minute workshop, facilitators will introduce adult learning theory and discuss the motivations and experiences that are common to many adult learners. Participants will reflect on how these students might experience their online course and consider strategies for better meeting adult learners’ needs.

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