Storage and Email Transformation Project
Digital storage and email have changed immensely and on an ongoing basis since Ohio State first introduced these services more than 25 years ago. We have made changes and updates to the services over the years to ensure things run smoothly and keep pace with changes in technology and with how people use email and storage. We are currently modifying email and storage services in response to changes in Microsoft's pricing model. As this project progresses, we will continually update this page so you can access the information as you need it. You can find the most recent articles about this project here.
Why Services are Changing
Over 2024 and 2025, we will make changes to email based both on changes to how email is used and to uphold our commitment to responsible fiscal stewardship as cost adjustments impact our offeringss. Reasons for these changes include:
- Vendor changes to the cost structure of email and storage
- New security by third-party email providers (Google, Yahoo!, etc.) blocking emails
- Changes in how users manage emails; many users do not want multiple accounts
- General security concerns, which continue to change and grow
OTDI is committed to providing all users with the best possible service. We understand these changes may feel disruptive, but they are necessary due to third-party email security updates and Microsoft's pricing changes for email and storage services. In summary, key dates for most users are as follows:
- December 31, 2024 - automatic email account forwarding to all third-party email services ended
- April 1, 2025 - BuckeyeMail for Life accounts discontinued
The implementation of new storage limits has been paused pending further discussion by universtity leadership. All mail on the University E-mail Service is subject to the university's and your unit's retention policies and guidelines.
New Outlook and OneDrive Storage Limits
**Implementation of storage limits has been paused pending further discussion by university leadership.**
Current Students
- 100GB BuckeyeMail/Outlook email storage
- 100GB OneDrive storage
Beginning on June 1, 2025.
Current University Employees – Faculty and Staff
- 100GB Outlook email storage
- 100GB Online email archive storage
- 500GB OneDrive storage
Beginning on June 1, 2025.
Current COTC Employees – Faculty and Staff
- 100GB Outlook email storage
- 100GB Online email archive storage
- 500GB OneDrive storage
Beginning on June 1, 2025.
Sponsored Guests
- 50GB Outlook email storage
- 50GB Online email archive storage
- 100GB OneDrive storage
Began on Feb. 1, 2024.
Current Medical Center Employees OSU Account– Faculty and Staff
- 50GB Outlook email storage for accounts
- 50GB Online email archive storage for accounts
Began on Feb. 1, 2024.
Dual-Appointment University/OSUMC Faculty and Staff
- 50GB Outlook email storage for account
- 50GB Online email archive storage for account
- 50GB OneDrive storage
Began on Feb. 1, 2024.
Online Resources to Help Manage Storage
Implementation of storage limits has been paused pending further discussion by university leadership. However, the university continues to encourage Buckeyes to follow best practices in storage, retention, and disposition of institutional data and university records. The following resources can help ensure your data is stored safely and appropriately:
- Manage the amount of storage you are using:
- To see your mailbox storage numbers, log on to Outlook for the Web, click on the Settings menu (the gear icon) at the top of the page, and select Settings > Account > Storage. Current mailbox limits are still in effect - primary storage of 1GB in lastname.# email mailbox for university employees. All mail on the University E-mail Service is subject to the university's and your unit's retention policies and guidelines.
- You can also check OneDrive numbers online.
- The Administrative Resource Center (ARC) has instructions you can use to see how much storage you are using in Teams.
- Keep storage low for you and collaborators by sending a link instead of a copy when you send attachments via email.
- Review the information on sharing content, acceptable use, general questions, and other important items on this page Microsoft 365 Important Service Usage Information
- Managing non-records is equally important in ensuring storage resources are managed responsibly. University Libraries has published extensive information about managing files and emails.
- The Administrative Resource Center has helpful storage information on the OneDrive resource page: Job Aids>FileStorage and Sharing(link is external).
- OTDI has published articles about email clean-up, using online archives and applying retention tags:
Changes to Email and Automatic Account Forwarding
In the past we have offered various forms of ongoing email services for graduates, but alumni populations may be impacted differently depending on how they engage with our services. The Office of Alumni Affairs will publish a website with information specific to alumni populations and will partner with us in corresponding with alumni in the coming months. In addition, we are working with The Office of Human Resources to sunset services for retirees with email for life.
Accounts Issued by Role
At Ohio State, email addresses are issued based on your role at the university. Going forward, this process will be streamlined as users have expressed interest in having fewer accounts to manage.
- Students are currently issued both and addresses. A cross departmental group is working on a strategy to streamline student emails to one address, but the plan is not yet complete.
- Employees are issued accounts.
- Wexner Medical Center employees are issued account, and some forward to or accounts.
- Health Sciences accounts with forwarding to accounts will retain that forwarding.
Any user with multiple roles will receive an email for each role. For example, a faculty member with a dual appointment in the university and the medical center will receive and accounts.
Information included on this page regarding email account forwarding and storage apply to emeritus employees in the same way as these changes apply to all other employees.
Email Forwarding
The ability to automatically forward Ohio State-issued email accounts to a third-party email service (including but not limited to Google, Yahoo!, etc.) ended for all users on Dec. 31, 2024.
Going forward, when students and university employees leave Ohio State, their access to their email account will vary based on their role.
- Students will retain access to their BuckeyeMail account for two years after the date of graduation or withdrawal.
- Employees who leave the university will lose access when the roll-off process is complete.
If you plan to leave the university, be sure you have a personal email account set up, inform your contacts, and ensure all social media and accounts are updated with your personal email. This includes updating your address for Ohio State athletic events if you currently use your OSU email address.
If you are a faculty or staff member in a department that regularly emails students, you should be aware that an interdepartmental advisory group is considering the best way to streamline student email. Once we have determined a clear direction and timeline, we will notify you here.
Likewise, if you email alumni regultarly, you will need a personal email (non-Ohio State) to reach these contacts. To prevent numerous areas of the university from contacting the same alumni on multiple occasions, the Alumni Association will take the lead on collecting this data to ensure colleges and departments can continue communicating with alumni who want to stay engaged with the university. If you are a retiree looking for information, we have posted an overview about how your account may be impacted.
Email for Students, Former Students and Alumni
- Current students will have access to their BuckeyeMail for two years after graduating from the university by logging in to BuckeyeMail to access email.
- Graduated students who retain BuckeyeMail for two years cannot automatically forward email accounts to third-party services, but they can access email by logging in to BuckeyeMail.
- Students who have withdrawn or did not graduate will lose access to their Ohio State email accounts after two years.