Revisions Approved to Out-of-State Educational Activities Policy

Revisions to Ohio State’s Out-of-State Educational Activities Policy, first issued in 2016, took effect September 15, 2018. The state authorization team revised the policy to add clarity and to better align with National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA) requirements.
The policy provides guidance to faculty and staff on how to comply with state authorization regulations. Compliance with these regulations allows Ohio State to offer educational activities outside Ohio – including online courses and programs, internships, and clinical experiences. It also minimizes risk for the university and ensures students are eligible to sit for licensure in the state where they are located.
The policy outlines the processes that units, faculty and staff must follow to achieve compliance — such as posting required student disclosures for licensure programs and tracking student locations for NC-SARA annual reporting.
The new policy:
- Updates language and definitions to better align with NC-SARA requirements
- Changes meeting requirements for the State Authorization Advisory Committee (SAAC) from monthly to quarterly
- Reduces requirements for units to submit monthly physical presence activity from monthly to only when engaging in a new physical presence activity or when the scope of the activity changes
- Adds methods by which data and reports can be submitted to the state authorization team
These policy changes are considered minor revisions and were approved through an abbreviated process. Ultimately, the policy expands educational opportunities for Ohio State students while maintaining Ohio State’s reputation and integrity.
Read the updated policy on the State Authorization page.
Have questions about how this policy will affect your job or your unit? Schedule a state authorization consultation.