Empower Ohio State Online


July 2024 to December 2024

  • Launched Phase 1 to procure tools that incorporate social login functionality into the Identity and Access Management system. 
  • Leveraged Salesforce (Buckeye360) to improve online marketing, student interactions, analytical data for recruitment, and bulk case management.  
  • Implemented DestinyOne for continuing education in collaboration with the Ohio State Online team. This included Canvas integration with course enrollment and grade pass back functionality, program tracking for state authorization and licensure, the development of a Continuing Education website, and the branding/integration of Destiny One into the website (including custom search functionality) 
  • Partnered with the State Authorization team to implement a temporary website location as we also partner with them on the development of a long-term data storage and integration process.
Learning, Research, Innovation, Outreach and Belonging icons all highlighted within IT Pillars Supported graphic