Rich Nagle
Meet Rich, the new CISO for The Ohio State University. He’s in charge of security, privacy and digital accessibility at the university. This former paper boy wants to spread the news that he gets to work with a lot of bright Buckeyes. His children are becoming bright young Bucks as well! When Rich is OOO, he and his family are likely off traveling the world or cozying up to enjoy some classic Christmas movies.
Q: What is your role at the university? AVP and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO); I’m responsible for security, privacy and digital accessibility for the university.
Q: How long have you worked at Ohio State? I officially became a Buckeye in June 2015, so just over 6 years.
Q: Have you worked on any large projects since you’ve been here? I’ve been a part of rolling out multifactor authentication (MFA), Privileged Access Management, the Enterprise Project and now our current EEPS work.
Q: What are you currently working on? We’re currently in the process of rolling out a new service called Enhanced Endpoint Protection Service (EEPS). This will provide enhanced security to all university-owned computers by having an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) product on the machine to detect and help us respond.
Q: What do you like best about your job? The people. I’m blessed to have an amazing team and have the opportunity to work with the brightest/smartest people in the world.
Q. Of what are you most proud? My family. My wife (Jill) is awesome and really successful with her own business, and our kids (Sam and Margo) are making their way through college here at Ohio State and doing incredibly well.
Q: What was your very first job? Newspaper delivery boy.
Q: Where did you go to college? Capital University in Bexley. Fun fact, they just changed their mascot name from Crusaders to Comets this year.
Q: Where are you from originally? Millersport, Ohio, about 40 miles due east of Columbus off route 70, home to the world famous Millersport Sweet Corn Festival.
Q: What is your favorite place to visit? Anywhere that my family chooses to go. We love to travel and we’ve been a lot of places, but we haven’t been everywhere yet…
Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I’m fortunate that my wife is a travel agent, so we’ve been a lot of places around the world. We still have tons of places to see, but Japan is high on the list.
Q: Can you tell us about your family? 1 wife, 1 son, 1 daughter, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 4 fish. Jill is a travel agent; Sam is a junior here at Ohio State getting dual degrees in City & Regional Planning and Political Science; Margo is a freshman here and looking to dual major in Political Science and Economics.
Q: What is something most people might be surprised to know about you? I have A-fib (found out in February), which is an electrical imbalance in your heart that can cause your heart to go whack-a-doodle (my clearly legit medical diagnosis of my condition). I am learning to live with it now, but I strongly suggest if you’ve ever felt skipping/fluttering/random beats in your chest, talk to your doctor about it.
Q: Favorite place to eat in Columbus? It’s a toss-up between the Chesire Market & Bait for pizza or Sushi-Ko for sushi…and yes…it’s a Bait shop that has some great pizza.
Q: Best concert you’ve ever been to? Barry Manilow at the Schott. Seriously, ask me about it sometime, I love to tell that story.
Q: Favorite quote? “You’ll shoot your eye out.”
Q: Do you have a favorite book or movie? Toss up between A Christmas Story (the book is good too, by Jean Shepherd) and Christmas Vacation.