Upcoming BuckeyePass/Duo Changes

Duo Security – which powers BuckeyePass – recently announced the release of version 4.0.0 of the Duo Mobile application is scheduled for October.
What’s New in the Redesigned Duo Mobile?
Duo is redesigning its mobile app to improve the overall end-user authentication experience. This includes:
- Improving the user interface display for users with multiple accounts
- Making it easier for users to enroll and authenticate
- Providing users with resources to solve their problems quickly without having to call a help desk
- Making Duo Mobile accessible for all users
When will the new features be available?
As we near the release in October, Duo will provide more specific dates and we will communicate them to you. Once Duo Mobile version 4.0.0 is released, the minimum supported OS versions will be iOS 13 and Android 8.
If you have any questions, request IT support online or call the IT Service Desk at 614-688-4357 (HELP).