The "Supplier Invoice Overdue Approvals – P2P" report has been decommissioned. Going forward, users should run the report "Supplier Invoice Overdue Approvals" which has been enhanced with the change highlights detailed in the full NewsLink article.
The purpose of this report is to identify exceptions that have occurred on requisitions. Historically, the report would return lines when the memo lines in the requisitions were not blank. The report will now only return requisitions that are "After the Fact." This migration will be occurring the week of November 1.
The Projects Sources and Uses report has been enhanced to include prompts that will allow users to search by project groups (Capital, ebuilder, MCI, OPS) and project statuses (Approved, Canceled, Closed, etc.).
The report hierarchy display on the output of the report has also been updated to show all projects directly, when the report is run, to reduce the need to drill-down into detail.
Over the next several weeks, changes will be made to the “Purchase Order Remaining Balance Report.” See the full NewsLink article for the extensive list of changes.
The "HR for Finance - Compensation Changes" report can be used to identify changes to base wages and allowances for employees. The report has now been enhanced to allow users to view compensation changes resulting from the Annual Merit Compensation Program (AMCP).
During the week of October 4, the "Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags" report will be updated in production to include several enhancements.
Separate columns for encumbrances and pre-encumbrances will be added so that users can drill down into both columns and obtain more encumbrance details. A new prompt will be added to allow users to select a book. Additional ability to drill down into numbers to mirror sources and uses reporting.
The "Find Miscellaneous Payment Request - OSU" report is now live and in production. If you had filters saved for the original "Find Miscellaneous Payment Request" report, please delete those filters and apply them to the new "Find Miscellaneous Payment Requests - OSU" report so that the old report can be hidden. We will be reaching out to users with saved filters to ask them to do this in the next week.