The "Find Requisition Summary - OSU" report has been enhanced to include an "Approved by Workers" column in the output of the report. This enhancement now displays the names of all workers that have completed an approval for each requisition consistent with the "Find Requisition Details - OSU" report. Additionally, the Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6 prompt has been adjusted to "Cost Center Hierarchies" as it now allows for searching by various cost center hierarchy levels.
To improve reporting capabilities for internal supplier transactions, and in support of the Internal Service Delivery (ISD) redesign project, there are several forthcoming report enhancements.
"Supplier Category" will be added to the prompt and output of the following reports:
Find Requisition Summary – OSU Find Requisition Details – OSU Find Purchase Order Summary – OSU Find Purchase Order Details – OSU Find Supplier Invoice Summary – OSU Find Supplier Invoice Details – OSU
"Internal Billing Journal Reference" will be added to the prompt and output of the following reports:
Find Supplier Invoice Summary – OSU Find Supplier Invoice Details - OSU
The Workday dashboard “COVID Spend” will be decommissioned on Monday, February 13 . This dashboard utilized older reports that did not provide the level of detail that newer reports offer. Listed below are the reports that should now be used to view expenses.
Find Requisition Details - OSU Find Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) Detail - OSU Find Spend Authorization Details - OSU Find Expense Report Details - OSU
The journal line report enhancements described below are coming this month.
Journal Lines – OSU
The "Find Journal Lines – OSU" report will be enhanced on February 7 to add the Fiscal Year to the column output and rename the Internal Supplier/Supplier reference ID.
Find Journal Lines – OSU Payroll Detail
The "Find Journal Lines – OSU Payroll Detail" report will be enhanced on February 14 to include the expenditure treatment worktag.
The "Workers on Leave for Cost Center Managers" report is being enhanced to return workers on leave that have "active" leave on or after the date the report is run through the end of the fiscal year. This will allow units to see future dated leaves that may impact their fiscal year encumbrances. The change will be migrated into production the week of January 23 .
To provide additional reporting attributes, fields for "Fiscal Year," "Fiscal Period," and "Job Code" will be added to the "Find Journal Lines – OSU Payroll Detail" report output on Tuesday, January 24 .
In addition, a new "Pay Component/Fringe Basis" report prompt will be added. The new prompt is a freeform field that can be used to return all rows associated with an earning. This change will help show fringe rates associated with an earning code.
The "Find Spend Authorization Summary – OSU" report has been enhanced to provide additional flexibility and insight into tracking the completion of the International Travel Acknowledgement of Understanding (AOU).
The fields listed below have been added to the report output.
"International AOU Required" - Shows "yes" if the Spend Authorization requires completion of the AOU questionnaire. "International Travel AOU Acknowledgement Date" - Shows the date selected on the questionnaire if completed. If the questionnaire has not yet been completed, this will be blank.
In addition, a checkbox has been added to the prompt (Spend Authorizations with International AOU Only), that when selected will only return results in the report that include an International Travel AOU questionnaire. To view only "in-process" Spend Authorizations, it is also recommended to use the status prompt filter as well.