The "Miscellaneous Payment Request" business process has been modified to route Petty Cash/Human Subjects associated with Office of Sponsored Program (OSP) Grants to the OSP accountants.
Accordingly, "Business Process Approval Times - Miscellaneous Payment Request Details" and "Business Process Approval Times - Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary" have been updated to reflect the new security role in the approval process.
A Workday supported solution will be in production during the week of Monday, February 5 , to support payment requests where a PO is not required for Non-Resident Aliens or Wires (e.g., Expense Reports, Miscellaneous Payments).
As part of the new process, users will leverage the "Supplier Invoice Request" Workday business process to request these payments. This enhanced process will reduce forms previously associated with the process and allows for more transparent tracking of requests. See the full post for notable changes as well as a list of what is not changing.
Effective January 1, 2024 , the mileage reimbursement rate will increase from 65.5 cents per mile to 67 cents per mile for all business miles driven from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.
Contact the Travel Office with questions at or 614-292-9290.
Administrators should advise travelers to exercise caution when working in the Expenses Hub. Upon selecting the “Actions” button for Spend Authorizations, the banner action prompt and other instructional text should be reviewed before selecting “Ok” to confirm the correct business process is initiated.
Spend Authorizations that have been prematurely closed are unable to be restored to “Approved” status and will not allow Expense Reports to be linked to the Spend Authorization. If a Spend Authorization has been closed in error, the Spend Authorization number should be referenced in the memo or comments of the Expense Report and a new Spend Authorization should not be submitted.
This issue has been added to the Enterprise Business Solutions (EBS) gap list for consideration and improvement by Workday. For questions, contact the Travel Office at or 614-292-9290.
Please be advised that the MS Teams link for Travel Office Hours has been updated. Participants should use the new link to attend future office hours (beginning October 2023).
Travel Office Hours are held on the first Tuesday of every month from 10 - 11:30 a.m. Participants will review current travel updates (industry, system, policy or supplier information), observe demos of Workday travel processes and/or how to use travel suppliers for booking, and ask questions regarding guidance for policy/system issues.
How to join? Use the Teams link available in the Travel Office Hours post on the Business and Finance site.
The Spend Authorization Roll-forward Journal was processed to roll-forward spend authorization encumbrances for FY24. In your FY24 Financials, these pre encumbrances will post on the journal source titled "Spend Authorization Roll Forward" for any non-expensed spend authorizations as of the June cut off with remaining encumbrances.
This year, a new central journal will be processed to roll-forward spend authorization encumbrances. A new journal source titled Spend Authorization Roll Forward* will be posting encumbrances for FY2024 in the amount of non-expensed spend authorizations with remaining encumbrances.
The BuckeyeLearn training for Commitments and Obligations has also been updated with the new process. For more information, please review the updated spend authorization section in training or the June 2023 Finance Office Hours recording.
*Note, an incorrect journal source name was initially shared in the June 12 NewsLink email.
The new Expenses Hub is live within the Workday Menu options. The Expenses Hub is a central location for managing your expense-related tasks and transactions and will display transactions that require your attention. It is not intended to manage the Expense tasks and transactions that you have submitted on behalf of others as part of an administrative role. See the full post to review a quick video in BuckeyeLearn that shows how to access the new Expenses Hub and what is included in this new Workday resource.
The "Find Credit Cards – OSU" report is designed to provide departments and colleges with a listing of PCards by Cost Center and Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6. Cost Center and Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6 are assigned to each card by the PCard Office based on the Cost Center provided on the PCard Application or subsequent PCard Maintenance Forms.
See the Report Inventory information available on the Business and Finance site for a current list of security roles required for this and other reports.
The logic for Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6 and Cost Center has been updated to provide units with visibility to all Credit Card Transactions for their area, including those assigned to External Committee Members.
These fields and report prompts have been mapped using text fields to the Cost Center number and corresponding Cost Center Hierarchy Level 6 that was provided on the PCard Application instead of the Cost Center currently assigned to the Expense Payee or Card Manager for the transaction.