Award Co-Principal Investigator data has been added to eActivity Reporting in the Reporting and Analytics Environment. PI Portal Benefit Rates for FY22 have been updated and benefits are now reporting correctly. PI Portal balances may not be correct if purchases included capital equipment. Please use Workday report "Budget vs Actuals by Object Class" for accurate balances.
The "General Funds Balance" report will be decommissioned on August 2, 2021, in Workday. The report is being replaced with the "Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags" report. This new report can be used to check balances in unique worktag combinations that close to equity. If you need to see additional worktags that are non-balancing/carryforward OR ledger account detail, you can view the Financial Balances Summarization Report in Tableau . ( )
Based on user feedback, additional clarifying information is being provided about several financial reports.
Customer Invoice Lines with Cost Center - Report to help reconcile accounts receivable at cost center level.
This report will provide units the ability to manage accounts receivable for Customer Invoices (external billing). The report provides customer payment information, receivables aging, and invoices in collections. The report can be generated at a cost center or balancing unit level as well as hierarchies.
Find Internal Service Delivery Lines by Cost Center - Report to review Internal Service Delivery with line memo details which helps for reviewing by cost center or cost center hierarchy.
This report will provide units with the tools needed to reconcile their internal purchased goods or services. Use of the date prompts will allow units to define the monthly period for reconciliation. The report can also be run by Internal Service Provider (ISP) .
Requisitions for Internal Suppliers ISD - Report to review requisitions and purchase orders associated with ISDs. New fields include Gift, Assignee, and Expenditure Treatment.
This report is for use by Internal Suppliers and is needed to create the ISD entry. The report provides the worktags and funding sources for the ISD line entry. In addition, the report provides the requisition number that can be added to the ISD memo line for audit purposes and reconciliation.
To convert equity most accurately from a Financial Statement perspective and ensure all balances tie back to the college or unit where the current state fund is owned, the decision was made to convert all revenue and expense accounts (non-General Funds Spending Authority (GFSA) and non-Office of Sponsored Programs funds) using owner org. To help translate PeopleSoft data on ledger org instead of owner org to obtain cash balances, an Income Statement and Ledger Org report have been built. The report can be found using Tableau (Tableau access and authentication is required).
Plans for the next phase to include Spend and Revenue Category will be completed by early June and a new version of the report(s) will include this information and will be shared at that time. Please direct any questions regarding the reports to .
The Reports and Report Crosswalk job aid is now available in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC). This document provides a listing of reports available in Workday and Tableau that will be of interest to college and unit fiscal staff, leaders, and managers. It also provides a crosswalk between legacy reports and Workday/Tableau reports.