Batteries Plus offers batteries and other power supply products for multiple applications in their RoundTrip (punch-out) catalog in Buckeye Buy. Product pricing is up to 73% off retail, based on the E&I Cooperative contract SPC-1000006636 - UNIV: CNR01505-BPB.
Workday will be unavailable due to planned quarterly maintenance on Saturday, July 23, from 2 a.m. to 2 p.m.
External dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again.
Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full NewsLink article.
The University Procurement/AP open Office hours will continue monthly through FY23. Each monthly session will be held at 1 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. Use the MS Teams link to join.
Check the full NewsLink article to see the schedule.
Two drop-in office hour sessions will be available in July. The sessions will be focused on year-end needs and allow units to stop in if there are questions related to finance or supply chain as we approach year-end close. No formal agenda or material will be presented.
Drop-In Office Hours (Finance and Supply Chain) Session 1 of 2, Wednesday, July 6 from 1 - 2 p.m. Use the MS Teams link to join. Drop-In Office Hours (Finance and Supply Chain) Session 2 of 2, Tuesday, July 12 from 1 - 2 p.m. Use the MS Teams link to join.
This is a reminder that bottled water services should only use the following spend category and commodity code combination.
Bottled Water Services
Spend Category: SC10410 – Beverages-nonalcoholic Commodity Code: 502022301 – Water
Some requisitions have been submitted that are incorrectly using Spend Category: SC10502 – Utilities-Chilled Water when ordering bottled water is what was intended.
Freight charges should not be listed as a line item on the requisition. Freight will be applied to the freight section of the header of the purchase order when the invoice is paid.
Paying freight charges on the header of the purchase order will allow for consistent reporting of freight charges.
Workday will be unavailable due to planned monthly maintenance on Saturday, June 11, from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Kronos and external dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again.
Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full NewsLink article.
Digi-Key Electronics will join Buckeye Buy on Wednesday, June 1 with a round trip (punch-out) catalog of electronic components and supplies. Contract and catalog details are available on the contract book page .
Workday will be unavailable due to planned quarterly maintenance on Saturday, May 21, from 2 a.m. to 2 p.m.
External dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again.
Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full NewsLink article.
Please note that beginning May 24 , your Workday homepage will have a new look designed to give you a more personalized Workday experience and improved search capability. The changes will be obvious and intuitive. To learn more about the ins and outs of your new Workday homepage, visit the Administrative Resource Center at (login required).