A downloadable year-end checklist for Finance and Supply Chain activities" is available under the "I want to..." heading found on the Business and Finance website's Controller page . The checklist includes important dates and action items for FY25 year-end.
Workday plans to release a new user interface for payroll costing allocations as part of the March 15 2025R1 update.
The changes will provide a new display for the "Proposed Costing Allocations" tab that enables users to perform the functions listed below.
Add, edit, remove, and sort ranges of costing allocations by start date or end date Copy costing allocations of a specified date range
The updates also include an "Existing Costing Allocations" tab where users can view the items listed below.
Existing costing allocations for the specified costing criteria An empty grid when a worker doesn’t have any costing allocations
The two tabs will be accessible from the user’s inbox whenever the Assign Costing Allocation task is used as a subprocess (for example, as part of the Create Position or Hire Process).
Workday is adding a new Salary Over the Cap (SOC) Default Costing Allocation Details grid with the new user interface for payroll costing allocations, as part of the March 15 2025R1 update.
This gives users a new option to specify SOC costing defaults instead of entering SOC costing overrides in the SOC "Bubble" for each individual costing allocation where SOC applies. The SOC costing overrides can still be used at the individual costing allocation level. A summary of these new levels of functionality is listed below.
The new SOC default costing allocation overrides the Default Org assignment. The SOC “Bubble” costing will override the SOC default costing allocation. If the bubble or the SOC default costing allocation are not used, the SOC will use the default Organization Assignment.
The new grid will display columns for each primary worktag and group any additional worktags into the Additional Worktags column.
During the week of Monday, January 27, a new interface was released for Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) for retroactive payroll posted on a paycheck. Listed below is a high-level summary of the changes.
If there is a retro pay period associated with the earnings they are trying to move, PAA Specialists will need to select the correct retro period. Due to this change, the Retro Period Date will now associate the PAA with a pay period. The budget date will default to the budget date of the retro period. This update ties Effort and PAA's for retroactive time in a more efficient way and allows for cleaner effort reporting.
The help resources listed below are newly created or updated to assist with this change.
Effective January 15 , the sheet and report user interface within Adaptive Planning will be updated. The blue banner will be removed on all report and sheet pages and all search fields and data tables will have rounded corners. Additionally, the Add New button will move to a new location below the top menu bar on the report overview and sheet overview pages. The functionality on these pages will remain the same. See the full post to preview the new look.
The Office of Business and Finance welcomes your feedback on revisions to the Deposit of Funds policy and Petty Cash Funds, Change Funds, and Cash Advance Payments policy (currently named the Cash and Cash Alternatives Payment Methods policy). These policies are open for university-wide feedback through October 27 on the University Policies website. Visit the “Policies Under Review” tab to view an overview of the policy changes and the proposed revised policies.
This is a reminder to everyone that the Auditor of State Training is due by Tuesday, October 29 . An email was sent out to all employees from the Office of Business and Finance. As a reminder, Ohio Senate Bill 91 recently amended Ohio Rev. Code 4113.52 to require all state employees, with few exceptions, to report alleged fraud, theft in office or misuse or misappropriation of public money to the state. House Bill 33 then amended Ohio Rev. Code 117.103 to require all state employees, which includes public university employees, to complete training on Ohio’s fraud-reporting system as directed by Ohio’s Auditor of State.
The "Cost of Sales" worktag changes listed below are coming soon.
Validations on Expenditure Treatment (ET101)
Next month, Workday validations will be placed in various spend business processes to ensure the cost of sales expenditure treatment worktag can only be utilized by approved university earnings operations (Funds FD120, FD121, FD122 and FD200). As a reminder, use of the ET101 expenditure treatment drives the transaction accounting to the cost of sales ledger account (61020). Please refer to the university earnings operation policy for additional guidance and the full definition of cost of sales.
Inactivation of Cost of Sales Spend Category (SC10258)
The Cost of Sales Spend Category (SC10258) will be inactivated for future use, as it does not meet the definition of spend category. ET101 plus the appropriate earnings fund value should be used to designate cost of sales.
The Nelnet Commerce Manager training is a half-hour course and introduction to using Nelnet Commerce Manager. Nelnet Commerce Manager is a simple but flexible option for accepting credit card payments online. As a payment collection gateway, a website or an existing application can redirect customers to Commerce Manager to securely process credit card transactions or integrate payments through a Qualtrics survey. Commerce Manager can also be set up as a standalone site to sell simple individual items (for example, a ticket to a fundraising dinner) or to collect customer information (order number, invoice number, etc.) and accept payment in an amount entered by the customer. This course includes demonstrations using the tool including finding a transaction, canceling a transaction, processing a refund, and building and running a report. These processes are documented in a new Nelnet Commerce Manager job aid in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC).
As of July 18 , an updated Workday notification has been created following the approval of a Subaward Supplier Contract or Subaward Supplier Contract Amendment. A notification of fully approved subaward supplier contract or supplier contract amendment goes to all the prior approvers in the workflow and the initiator. This creates consistency with other spend transactions.