"Plan vs. Actuals by Plan Worktags" Report

The "Plan vs. Actuals by Plan Worktags" report is designed to allow you to view plan versus actuals activity by plan worktags. The report provides a list of unique worktag combinations and their plan to actuals variances. The report is useful to see the health of your worktag strings and their plan to actuals variances. 

 The following modifications were made to improve the user experience and will move to production during the week of Monday, March 6. 

  • Beginning Balance was added.
  • Ending Balance after Encumbrances was added.
  • "Analytic Indicators to Ending Balance After Encumbrance" and "Plan to Actuals Variances for Sources and Uses" were added to help users understand if they were doing well or poorly against their plan.
    • A green circle indicator means you are doing well against your plan, a red diamond indicator means you are not doing well against your plan, and a yellow triangle indictor means net neutral against your plan.
  • The calculation for "Net Margin After Encumbrances" has been updated to correct a math error.
  • The signs for "Sources Variances" have been changed. If you have more sources than you planned, you will see a positive number and a green circle because you have more revenue than you anticipated in your plan. If you have less sources than you planned, you will see a negative number and a red diamond because you have less revenue than you expected.
  • For "Uses Variances" if you spent less than you planned you would see a positive number and a green circle because you still have funds left to spend. If you have spent more than you planned you will see a red diamond and a negative number to reflect the deficit resulting in overspending from your plan.