If you are part of an earnings unit with inventory tracked outside of Workday and have a need to directly post to Inventory Accounts when purchasing goods, assistance is available to help set this up for your unit. Please contact Tiffany Mayers by February 19 with a request and include the specific cost centers requiring this ability.
The Buying Experience eLearning is available in BuckeyeLearn. This 40-minute eLearning summarizes the basic Requisition Business Process Workflow and demonstrates the basic steps to create a Buckeye Buy and Non-Catalog Requisition. While campus employees are not required to take this eLearning, it is strongly recommended for those who request goods and services. Health System authorized requesters will be assigned a one-hour Buying Experience course in BuckeyeLearn.
Illumina has joined eStores with a supplier website catalog of research products. Illumina develops, manufactures, and markets integrated systems for the analysis of genetic variation and biological function.
Leica Biosystems , a division of Leica Microsystems, has also joined eStores with a supplier website catalog of immunochemistry, immunohistochemistry reagents and antibodies.
See the full article for links to the Illumina and Leica Biosystems catalog offering details in eStores.
Contact the eStores Team at eStores_Team@osu.edu or 614-292-2694 with any questions.
As part of the safe return to campus, every staff and faculty member with a planned return date should receive a return-to-campus kit. Departments can obtain the kits at no cost through eStores. Please batch your department kits to eliminate extra deliveries on campus and limit kit quantities to one per person.
See the full article for the faculty and staff kit ordering process and details for the separate student kit process.
Fastenal is the new primary supplier on the maintenance repair supply contract. The Fastenal catalog is now available in the supplier websites section of eStores. The Business and Finance Find a Supplier page provides more details on the new contract and Fastenal's product selection and pricing .
OSU Stores now offers COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for your department, available to purchase through eStores. See the full listing on item details and numbers for placing your order. Delivery is typically within two days. Questions can be directed to stores@osu.edu .
The PO Closure Process is a manual process, which permanently relieves any encumbrance against a purchase order. This process should only be used to release encumbrances on POs for which there is certainty that no further invoices (vouchers) are pending or forthcoming. View the UNIV Purchasing website for more information and details about the Service Center Business Process .
Effective Wednesday, March 25, Magnetic Springs will place all Ohio State accounts on a "will call" basis until the end of June. This means that Magnetic Springs will only deliver to locations that call or email with water requests. Magnetic Springs will make deliveries to the Columbus campus one day a week, and possibly more frequently based on demand. Magnetic Springs and the university believe this is the best way to continue delivery while also keeping employees safe during the coronavirus response period.
If you have any questions, please call 614-421-1780 email Magnetic Springs at the contact@magneticsprings.com address.
During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response period, local h otels are extending offers to all Ohio State University and Wexner Medical Center employees. The u niversity celebrates these accommodation providers for their continued commitment to the Ohio State community. See the full NewsLink article for the list of participating accommodation suppliers, pricing and full hotel contact information.