A new Inbox Filter for Workday was created April 28 for use on match exceptions, specifically within the CCH7 cost center hierarchy. This new match exception lookup is tied to the requisition line and requisition line distribution business objects. The naming convention for this filter is “XCF_EMI_Match_Exception_CCH7.” Instructions for using it appear in the Create, Edit and Apply an Inbox Filter job aid .
Once created, this filter should deliver results accordingly.
When creating a new inbox filter:
In the "Source External Field" area, enter the new calculated filter labeled: XCF_EMI_Match_Exception_CCH7. The relational operator should state, "any in the selection list," with the comparison type defaulting to "value specified in this filter." The comparison value field should be narrowed down to your specific CCH7 cost center area or needs.
For your awareness, a Workday enhancement to the Worker Profile page was applied on April 28, 2022. The Summary section of the Worker Profile page now includes the Job Details and Contact Information that was initially only included in the Overview and Job sections of the Worker Profile page. In addition to now appearing in the Summary section, the Job Details and Contact Information will continue to be displayed in the Overview and Job sections of the Worker Profile.
What you need to do:
No action is needed, and training is not planned for this enhancement. The intent of this notification is for awareness purposes only. Order of Displayed Fields and Profile Cards may vary based on user security.
Data stewards, unit security contacts, and administrative system contacts will be receiving an email from the Digital Security and Trust Access Management team with information and instructions on how to verify their area’s Financials, Human Resources, Medical Center Financials, and Student Information System (SIS) users for the coming year. Your attention regarding this mandated annual activity is very important. The email will be sent during the week of June 1, 2022 , with a requested deadline to confirm area users by Thursday, June 30, 2022 .
The Institutional Data Policy (IDP) course is required annually for anyone with access to restricted data which includes those with access to Workday beyond self-service features. See IDP Training on the Cybersecurity site for more information.
The annual review for Workday users will coincide with the April 29, 2022, due date established for non-Medical Center staff (the annual review cycle for Medical Center staff remains the same).
Anyone subject to the annual review who has not completed IDP training within the past 365 days on Friday, April 29, 2022, will be limited to self-service access only in Workday on Monday, May 2 .
For most users, IDP Training was added to their BuckeyeLearn transcript in February. If the Institutional Data Policy 2022 course is not on your transcript, see IDP Training for information on how to access the training.
Workday will be unavailable due to planned monthly maintenance on Saturday, April 9, from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Kronos and external dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again.
Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full NewsLink article.
The user interface of the Workday careers website will be updated on Friday, April 8, to enhance the experience and usability for external job applicants. This enhancement was initially scheduled for implementation on March 12, 2022, with Workday 2022 R1. However, Workday has delayed this functionality and has rescheduled implementation for April 8. Changes include:
A new look and feel of the external career site starting April 8. A new search feature on the external careers site that allows a split view so applicants can view job details without leaving the search results page The page will retain the search criteria after clicking into a job posting providing a split view, whereas before, the applicant had to reenter the search upon returning to the search page. Appending the search filter/keywords to the end of the page URL link, allowing for a direct link to filtered search pages, providing anyone with the ability to directly link to specific filtered positions.
What you need to do:
While this enhancement will primarily be seen by external job applicants, please be aware of the changes should you receive any questions.
The first of Workday's two major releases in 2022 of enhancements and new functionality is scheduled to move to production on Saturday, March 12, from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Workday will be unavailable during the maintenance period.
Many of the changes coming in this release are either subtle or operate behind the scenes and will not be immediately noticeable. A Workday 2022R1 job aid is available in the Administrative Resource Center that explains the system changes that will be noticeable in more detail .
Workday has two major releases of enhancements and new functionality annually, and the next release is March 12. This update includes a new search feature on the external careers site that allows a split view so applicants can view job details without leaving the search results page.
While this will primarily impact our external job applicants, the HR community needs to be aware of the changes should they receive questions.
Changes include:
New look and feel of the external career site starting March 12. Workday now appends the search filter/keywords to the end of the URL allowing for a direct link to filtered search pages, providing HR Recruiters with the ability to directly advertise specific filtered positions for their area(s). The page will retain the search criteria after clicking into a posting providing a split view, whereas before, the applicant had to reenter the search upon returning to the search page.
Workday will be unavailable due to planned monthly maintenance on Saturday, March 5, from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Kronos and external dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again.
Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full NewsLink article.
Workday will be unavailable due to planned quarterly maintenance on Saturday, February 19, from 2 a.m. to 2 p.m.
External dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again.
Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full NewsLink article.