Below are details about reporting changes as of May 20. See the full post for specific details about the changes.
Supplier Invoice Reports Updated to replace Deprecated Field: Several reports have been updated to remove deprecated field Supplier Category and replace it with an alternate field Supplier Category for Supplier. End users with saved filters will be impacted but a targeted email went out to this population on Monday, May 13.
Coming Soon: UNIV Remaining Encumbrances - Requisitions, POs, Spend Authorizations: A new report will soon be released to help end users identify transactions and their encumbrances that will roll forward add the end of the fiscal year. The new report is called "UNIV Remaining Encumbrances - Requisitions, POs, Spend Authorizations."
Project Sources and Uses Updates : The Report Project Sources and Uses has been updated and enhanced. Users with saved filters may need to use the "Manage My Saved Filters" task to update their filter to the new Time Period to prevent it from being overridden when using a saved filter.
As part of fiscal year-end planning, the annual supplier inactivation project will be transacted in Workday. There are 4,287 supplier candidates to be inactivated. These are suppliers with no invoices or purchase orders in the last thirteen (13) months. This analysis and review were performed by team members from Campus, Office of Sponsored Programs, and Wexner Medical Center. If you have any questions, contact Supplier Maintenance at .
The last check run for Accounts Payable will occur on Thursday, June 27, 2024 , and all approvals for those invoices will need to be completed prior to 10:00 a.m. on that day.
In observance of the July 4th holiday, there will be no check run for the week of Monday, July 1 through Friday, July 5 . This means that approvals will also need to be completed by 10 a.m. on June 27 . Otherwise, they will be included in the July 11 check run.
As a part of fiscal year-end activities, subaward supplier contract encumbrances will be closed out for FY24 and re-opened in FY25.
An encumbrance will not roll-forward into FY25 if a subaward supplier contract has an "Amendment in Process" status. This issue was confirmed in testing. As a result, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is providing guidance for subaward supplier contract amendments as detailed in the full post .
The suppliers of leadership coaching services listed below will now have single dollar line hosted catalogs in Buckeye Buy. Previously these suppliers were in Marketplace Quotes. Ohio State customers will receive quotes via email, which should be used to enter the order through the Buckeye Buy catalog.
Connect the Dots Consulting LLC Dawn Costick Innovative Leadership Institute Leader Onboarding Pyramid Resource Group
Magnetic Springs is back in buckeye Buy with a two-line catalog for either 5-gallon water service or filtration unit service. The pricing for each is visible in the long description of the item. Requestors should enter the expected total for annual service in the quantity field without decimal points. This will produce a one-line purchase order for the total amount of service through the year. The dollar line structure allows for multiple invoices to be paid during the service period. The account number, service location and best days for delivery must be included in the Memo to Supplier field of the requisition before service can begin. Each delivery location should be on a separate purchase order. See the Magnetic Springs contract book page for supplier contact information for new account set-up or customer service questions. The full post includes a visual that provides guidance for Magnetic Springs order entry.
This is a reminder that the purchase and management of cellular services is the responsibility of the individual business units. Units should perform a full review of all cellular services provided, including hot spots, internet services, and cellular/data services for their units to ensure that these services meet the requirements as outlined in the Expenditure Policy , and have appropriate business purposes documented in each transaction and a determination of a taxable impact.
If the service does not meet the criteria outlined in the policy, the unit will need to submit a policy exception request through the B&F policy exception process . In addition, the Office of the President will need to approve any Senior Vice President requests and the Office of the Provost will need to approve any Dean requests.
Once the list of the individual receiving the service with the needed business purpose is compiled, it must be reviewed with the Payroll Tax Office to determine any taxable impact. Read the full post for more details.
Please refer to the downloadble Unit Year-end Checklist for important year-end dates, timeline information and tasks that need to be performed. Procurement and expenses close will occur at Noon on Friday, June 28 . Similar to last year, to avoid potential accounting issues, we are asking that no transaction approvals, changes, or cancellations occur after that time until the roll forward is complete the following day. This includes Requisitions, POs, Change Orders, Supplier Invoices (for both Internal and External Suppliers), Miscellaneous Payments and Expense Reports . We highly recommend having FY24 procurement and expense transactions fully approved by the end of the day on June 27 .
Starting at noon on Friday, June 28, 2024 , the university will start a "roll-forward" process, which will run until the process is complete. System slowness may be experienced during this time and reporting may be impacted as the process runs. This process will automatically update the budget date to July 1, 2024, on all purchase orders, requisitions and supplier contracts with open obligations created before July 1, 2024. Obligations based on the remaining balance, not yet invoiced, will be moved to FY25. Invoices matched to these POs and supplier contracts following the “roll-forward” will carry a July 1, 2024 budget date. Please continue efforts to close out as many old items with remaining balances as possible to help with the roll forward process .
Beginning with FY25, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements which lock internal fees for a set period must be adjusted for any annual changes in rates over the life of the MOU. To be compliant with federal Uniform Guidance regulations for specialized service facilities ( 2 CFR 200.468 ) which applies to all internal service providers, federal grants must be charged the lowest rate based on the FP&A approved internal rate that is published and in effect for that fiscal year.
Earnings operations billing federal grants that have existing MOU agreements in place can honor them through the end of next fiscal year, ending June 30, 2025. MOU and Statement of Work (SOW) arrangements are still acceptable for industry sponsored research. The Grants Shared Service Center will still be executing MOUs with FDC to cover construction projects.
The Earnings Operations course is an introductory module into Earnings Operations for fiscal staff, managers, and Senior Fiscal Officers (SFOs). The module includes information on defining an Earnings Operation, the roles and responsibilities, establishing a rate and cost recovery, the monitoring requirements, and closing an Earnings Operation. Completion requires passing the assessment with an 85% or higher. This course is required for those that have fiscal responsibilities for earnings units.