Currently, when Period Activity Pay is initiated, the costing allocation details are required to be entered. We are excited to share that a change is being made starting Thusday, June 20 that will allow Period Activity Pay to be initiated without the costing allocation details. This will then allow the downstream approvers, HR Consultant, or Cost Center Manager, to add the costing allocation information during their review. The costing allocation information must be entered to successfully complete the Period Activity Pay business process.
The Workday "Effort Certification Status Report – OSU" has been updated to ensure terminated employees are included. Previously, when using cost center or cost center hierarchy with the Org Assignment Cost Center Hierarchies prompt, terminated workers would not di spl ay. Now, terminated workers will di spl ay based on the worker position data on their last day as active employees. This change allows you to use the Org Assignment Cost Center Hierarchies prompt without missing terminated employees. Please contact with any questions.
During the week of Monday, January 29 , an enhancement for retro pay on grants for salary over the cap will change for specific job families. Currently, any retro pay on grants with salary over the cap defaults to over the cap worktags. After the change, retro pay no longer cap for the job families listed in the full NewsLink post.
Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) to move retro pay on grants with salary over the cap to the under the cap worktags will no longer be needed for employees in these job families for payroll paid after this change is made. You should continue to monitor retro pay on grants with salary over the cap for all other job families. Please contact with any questions.
As previously communicated in October , Cost Center Managers were encountering an error when completing Period Activity Pay (PAP), within the Hire process, when the proposed Cost Center was not their Cost Center.
The workaround was to cancel the PAP and then initiate as a stand-alone process that would clear the error. Workday released a fix for this issue during the weekend of December 16 and now the step is working appropriately.
Shortly after the September 2023 release, in some cases, when a Period Activity Pay is initiated as part of a hire or add job, an error message may occur during the Cost Center Manager approval step.
The message displayed is “The entered information does not meet the restrictions defined for this field.” Cost Center Managers are unable to bypass the message. A ticket has been logged with Workday.
In the meantime, the workaround is to have the initiator of the period activity pay cancel it. Once it has been canceled, the hire or add job is completed and the period activity pay can be reinitiated as a standalone transaction. The error message will not appear, and the Cost Center Manager can approve as usual.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. An update will be provided when Workday have delivered a fix.
Under Executive Order (EO) 14026, federal contractors are required to pay a minimum wage for employees working on, or in connection with, certain federal contracts. EO 14026 applies to contracts, subcontracts or contract-like instruments if the agreement is:
A procurement for services or construction; For services covered by the Service Contract Act (SCA); For concessions, including any concessions excluded by the Department of Labor Regulations at 29 C.F.R. § 4.133(b); or Entered into with the Federal Government in connection with federal property or lands and related to offering services for federal employees, their dependents and the general public.
EO 14026 applies to all workers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and performing work in connection with a covered contract for at least 20% of their workweek. It also generally applies to subcontractors that meet specified requirements.
For calendar year 2023, the federal contract minimum wage is $16.20/hour; effective January 1, 2024 , it is increasing to $17.20/hour.
See the full post for more details, including information about a validation message that will be displayed on the costing allocation data entry page beginning October 30 .
This is a reminder to routinely review payroll expenses that posted to FD101 Default Clearing Fund. FD101 is not intended to be used in costing allocations or on financial transactions. If salary expenses do post to this fund, the expectation is that they be moved via Payroll Accounting Adjustments. There have been instances where payroll has posted to FD101 and this has yet to be cleared out. This is especially critical for graduate appointments to avoid non-resident allocations posting revenue to FD101.
For ANY graduate Student employees, the use of FD101 in the Default Organization Assignment is not recommended as any issues with expired funding may result in the Graduate Fee Authorization being expensed to FD101. It is recommended that units analyze the Sources and Uses – Variance Analysis report for their unit for FD101 and cleanup any residual FD101 balances. More information on FD101 is available in the Administrative Resource Center (link is external). The Controller's Office will be reaching out to impacted units as well.
In order to meet a business need for entering future dated Period Activity Pay involving grants, Enterprise Business Solutions (EBS) recently resolved an issue related to a hard stop that occurred when end users entered expired grants on future dated Period Activity Pay.
The removal of the hard stop for expired grants will enable end users to create Period Activity Pay for dates through which they anticipate the grant will be extended. In cases where grants are not extended by the first payroll or through the tuition payment date for the Period Activity Pay, the default organization assignment worktags for the period where the grant is expired will be used.
Several new fields will be added to the "New Hires, Additional Job and Change Job by Organizations" report. The new fields to be added will display a worker’s current base pay, annualized current base pay, and annualized proposed base pay. These fields are being added to allow for more analysis of current pay vs. proposed pay as well as to offer more visibility of annual pay for nonexempt workers.