"Learner" Institutional Definition Being Finalized

Ohio State’s Data Governance team launched a new initiative in 2022 to standardize institutional definitions, partnering with colleagues across the university.

Why is this work important?

While faculty and staff at the university use terms like “learner” every day, there is no standard definition for it and other terms across the university and Wexner Medical Center. For everyday use, it might not seem to matter that common terms do not have a standardized institutional definition, but once data comes into the picture, and we start trying to dive into data, the inconsistencies in how these terms are defined can lead to confusion and inaccurate reporting and analysis.

How does this work?

The Data Governance team facilitates the development of working groups, composed of faculty and staff from across the university and medical center, to create standardized institutional definitions. Faculty and staff interested in being involved in future definition creation can email DataGovernance@osu.edu to be notified of upcoming opportunities.

Check out previously approved terms via the Approved Institutional Definitions webpage.